PINA Financing Scheme

With our ambition to cater for creative financing investment appetite, PINA offers schemes for both investors and investees to match based on their funding demand and project requirements. While we are flexible to the demand of our stakeholders, PINA promotes these three schemes as the most feasible.

Hybrid Instrument

Hybrid instrument incorporates characteristics of both a debt and equity instrument. One of the instruments that PINA promotes is the Perpetual Notes. This financing scheme is a debt security that has no maturity date (in perpetuity) which can be treated as equity, rather than liability in the balance sheet. This financing scheme is desirable for investors that are not willing to increment more debt in their balance sheet.


Case in point:

Equity Financing

Equity Financing entails a method of raising capital through the sale of company ownership. Equity financing can be pivotal during the early stages of a project to attract capital in the absence of revenues, cashflow or hard assets to act as collateral required for debt financing. In the pursuit of establishing the equity financing agreement, the common practice is to institute a Joint Venture enterprise between both investor and investee.

Case in point:

Limited Participation Fund

RDPT (Reksa Dana Penyertaan Terbatas) is an investment vehicle formed by Investment Manager and Custodian Bank to collect funds from professional investors, to be invested in a portfolio of selected projects. The unique characteristic of this instrument is that it can allocate project company’s shares as an underlying asset of the instrument, rendering it as an equity-based mutual fund.


Case in point:

Customized Supply Chain Financing

This scheme provides the participating party with procurement of materials with a flexible payment arrangement corresponding to the level of project cash flow. With this financing scheme, the purchaser will obtain the required amount of materials for the project directly and relinquish the issue of inventory management to be handled by a third-party – under the umbrella of Integrated Supply Chain Management.


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